Team Member


Tour guide (NL)

Why did you come to Copenhagen? And what kept you here?

In November 2020 my husband and our two kids moved to Copenhagen because of my husband's job. I quit my job in the Netherlands and immersed myself into the Danish life and culture. Copenhagen is never boring. Every day I challenge myself to go to new places and meet new people. I am attending Danish language school because our goal is to stay here for a while. We love the city life, the relaxed vibe and the easy going mentality.

What are your favourite places in town?

Most of my favorite places do have something to do with food :-) I love to experience new restaurants and bakeries. The Danish food and pastries are so good! Besides that the inner city has beautiful old areas like Frederiksstaden, I love to wander around a bit in Nørrebro and visit Jægersborggade or Superkilen park. For a bit more green and water I like to go to the ramparts at Christianshavn, bike around and have a nice treat at Alice ice cream and coffee.

What surprised you most when you came to Denmark?

I always read about the Danes not being open to contact with foreigners so it surprised me a lot when we came to live in the neighborhood Lyngbyvejskvarteret (beautiful houses from 1907)in Østerbro and we got invited to fællesspisning (a weekly get-together with the neighborhood where everyone takes turns cooking for each other in the community center)!

What are your favourite restaurants and why?

Færegecafe in Christianshavn has it all. The food is traditional Danish food with far to many different types of snaps which they make themselves. The area close to the water is still giving me holiday vibes - even after 3 years! Another restaurant I adore is Zio & Nonna. It's an Italian restaurant in Østerbro and is run by Antonio, an Italian chef and his family. This one is close to Østerport station, so super easy to reach.  But if you make plans, no matter where you want to eat, book a table so you are sure to get a seat.

Any tips for people coming to Copenhagen:

When you book a bike tour, try to rent the bikes a bit longer afterwards. It's much more fun to explore the city on a bike. Ask me when the tour is done. Based on your interests I can give you some tips  Of course, the public transport is superb but most of the time you'll miss the most special spots. If you want to go to, for example, the Louisiana museum of Modern Art or to see Kronborg Castle in Helsingør (this is a bit further out of the city) you can even bring your bike on the train and explore the area there by bike.

What do you do besides working for Tropical Bikes?

I am, among other things, a volunteer at sports clubs and for the commune, I am trying to learn the Danish language at a sprogskole. It's so much fun to meet people from other countries and cultures!